If You Happy and You Do so Claps Your Hands….

If you happy and you do so claps your hands!”
Do you still remember that this sentence is a part of a song? I bet, yes you did. Clasps our hands are one of many ways to give motivation for someone or for yourself. Related to this condition, my little boy has a new behavior, he always celebrate every single thing by clapping his hands. If he can do something new or solving new challenge then automatically he clasps his hands and show to people around him. This condition is very interesting for me. At least, he learned about stimulus and response from his nearest environment, and then he practices it in different way.
Actually, for the first time, I clap my hand when he could do my instruction. For example, “please, put this toy into basket!” and he did very well. But now, not only when I ask him to do something if he feels he can do something good (for example: giving a part of his food to his friend or lent his favorites toys to his friends) or do some difficult task, he will claps his hands directly.
Clapping hands can trigger my child to do another good action. Then I understand that motivation can give a strong influence to children just like in the education theory. Unfortunately, I have not yet success in applying this theory in some of my classes:). Is there anyone who knows what the reason is? 🙂